Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year, New Goals, New You

Happy New Year, everyone! Resolutions are in season. Have you made yours yet?

Personally, I've never been one for making New Years Resolutions.  I thought it kind of silly since only about, what, a third of those who make resolutions actually follow through.  I don't believe that it is only at the new year that resolutions to become a better you should be made. They should happen everyday! However, as I was sitting in church on Sunday listening to lessons about making goals and setting priorities,  I really got into the resolution spirit. 

Make way 2013 resolutions! Here I come!

But here's the kicker.  Failure always seems to loom in the not so distant future when it comes to goal setting.  It's not necessarily that I set myself up for failure, but I am human. I slip. I fall. I fail.  On any given day, there are 100 thousand things that I need to do/ would like to do.  Of those things, I can probably check off about .01% of them at the end of the day.  The other 99.99% then carry over into the next day... and the next... until the list becomes so long that I feel like I just want to rip it up into little, bitty pieces and throw them off a cliff.  But that becomes one more thing for me to do.  Boo to never ending cycles.  I always feel like I have too much to do and never enough time to do it in. It's a frustrating thing and it's discouraging. I feel like I never accomplish anything.  It is a lousy feeling. I know.

I wish I could offer some amazing advice at how to break that chain.  I have no such advice. What I can offer is hope.  There will always be things on the list that need to get done. There will always be something looked over, or pushed aside.  Luckily for us, we are given a fresh 24 hours to make into something amazing.  Sure, I didn't accomplish everything I wanted to today. But tomorrow is another day and I will do my darndest to make tomorrow much better than I did today.  That's what it is all about, right? Progress. We weren't created to be perfect. We were created to learn and to grow from our experiences. At the end of the day, I need to be okay that I was at least able to cross off 10 things from my list. It was ten more things than I did yesterday.  And maybe my list is longer tomorrow.  So what? I've learned what I can from what this day gave me.  I will take that knowledge and apply it to tomorrow's tasks and continue to process of becoming the best me I can be. 

So... my 2013 resolution is to make each new day better than the day before; to do a little more each day to make myself into a better me. 

Happy New Year! Make this year a great one- one improved day at a time.



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